Is your website responsive?

Test to see if your website works on mobile phones and tablets with different screen sizes, making it a better experience for users on mobile devices

Does it load quickly?

If your website is slow to load users get annoyed and leave. A quicker website means a much better experience for your customers

Is it easily found?

If your website is slow to load users get annoyed and leave. A quicker website means a much better experience for your customers

hjemmeside billige

Give your website a health check today!

If you have a website it’s a good idea to have a regular website health check-audit. That will help to look for any issues that affect your website performance, reduce your search engine rankings or make it hard for your visitors to use the site.

The frequency of  website health check-audit depends on the type of the website, but it is important in order to keep your website performing well.

  • e-commerce and high-traffic websites : should be checked optimally every 3 months.
  • other website : we would recommend an annual check 

What will we test:

– Website speed and performance
– Readability across all devices and browsers
– SEO titles & meta descriptions
– Broken links and 404 errors.
– Internal linking and navigation
– Orphaned content
– Contact form completion and delivery
– Image titles and compression
– Duplicate content issues
– Sufficient calls to action
– Shopping cart process
– Theme, plugin and CMS updates
– Security & malware vulnerabilities
– Sitemaps & robot files
– Search engine submissions
– Https / SSL certificate

website health check

Do not hesitate, you are always welcome!